Thor Son of Asgard

Reviewers are Shiv (aged 7) and Roshni (aged 4)

Gordon: We’re going to talk about Thor Son of Asgard, which is the Thor comic that we’ve been reading over the last couple of weeks. Why don’t Shiv, you tell me what the story was about?

Shiv: So the first one was about Thor getting the enchanted sword, the second one was about the Enchantress being jealous of Sif because Thor was in love with Sif, so she got a magic mirror to make Thor fall in love with her, and then the last one was all about Thor trying to be worthy and lift the hammer. And it was really fun.


Gordon: It was really fun? Roshni, which was your favourite out of all those stories?

Roshni: When they went on their quest.

Gordon: When they went on their quest? Yes, so that was a big long story, that was 6 issues and they went to lots of places, they went to a mountain and they went to a desert. Who was your favourite character Roshni?

Roshni: Lady Sif

Gordon: You really liked Lady Sif?

Roshni: Because she was a girl.


Gordon: And who was your favourite character Shiv?

Shiv: Probably Thor…

Gordon: Probably Thor, why?

Shiv: I don’t know, he’s just really determined to do stuff. And when you see him in the first issue he’s trying to lift the hammer, and so his friends are laughing at him because he can’t lift the hammer.

Gordon: And how did you feel at the end of the story, when he’d you know, grown up?

Shiv: Ehm, like amazed. If you go to the last one, it does show a picture of Thor with the hammer in his hands…

Gordon: I think you’re looking for issue 10

Hammer Lift.jpg

Shiv: So in issue 10, basically what happens is that Thor tries to lift the hammer; he gets it off the ground just about 1 [centi]metre tall, and he just can’t do it, he can’t lift it. Balder says (reads) “nonsense Thor, failure suggests defeat, and you have yet to give up trying to raise the mighty hammer”.

Gordon: So basically do you think you learned a lesson from this, from Thor trying, and then succeeding?

Shiv: Yeah, so then he managed to lift it a little bit, and then when he goes to find the three Fates, while he’s gone the city’s not protected, so then when he goes back the city’s being attacked by Ice Giants…

Roshni: Umm, Shivy, Ice Giants are blue (shrugs).
[Roshni is correct – these are actually Storm Giants]

Shiv: …and so Sif gets taken by the Ice Giants. Thor’s really upset so goes like “right I’m going to lift that hammer” so he goes through into the weapon room and he finally lifts the hammer. And then at the end he says (reads) “Let the Storm Giants beware!”

Hammer High.jpg

Gordon: So you liked that. So would you recommend this to your friends?

Shiv: Yes

Roshni: I want to give this one (picks up issue) to one of my friends

Gordon: No, you can’t, it’s mine, you can’t give it away. These are Daddy’s comics, let’s be clear on that.

Thor Son Of Asgard is a 12-issue miniseries from 2004, written by CB Cebulski (under the name Akira Yoshida) and drawn by Greg Tocchini. It is available in two collected digest volumes; The Warriors Teen and Worthy.


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