All Ages

[Recording starts]

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Gordon: So what we’re going to do now is discuss three comics that we’ve read this week, and talk about what bits we liked and whether we would recommend them. I’ll start; the comic that I read was He-Man and Thundercats. This came out a couple of years ago, and it’s a 6 issue mini-series which is basically a crossover of the two toys. He-Man I played with when I was about 5 years old, so your age Roshni, and I played with Thundercats when I was a wee bit older, when I was your age Shiv, about 8. I never played with them together…

small He-Man Thundercats

Roshni: Because they were not the same size

Gordon: The toys were not the same size you’re right, but this is just a massive story that mashes the two universes together…

Shiv: So what you’re saying, is that if some kid got both those toys and mixed them together you would get a really big story like that?

Gordon: Yes, yeah. The artwork is amazing. It’s like painted; it looks beautiful. All the characters are massive and muscly. There’s loads of action. Here you’ve got Skeletor getting brand new powers; Skeletor is hilarious in it. It is really funny and it is a lot of fun; it’s a really good comic.

Roshni: Now it’s Shiv’s turn.

Gordon: Oh okay, Shiv, what was your comic, tell us about your one?

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Shiv: Batman Universe. My Dad read it to me, and I really like it. So it’s basically like, the Joker steals a Fab…

Gordon: The Riddler does

Shiv: I mean the Riddler, I get mixed up between those two. So the Riddler steals a Faberge egg and basically it has special powers. The reason it’s called Batman Universe is because literally each story is in kind of like a different universe. So in the first one it’s the human universe. In the second one it’s Gorilla City, and then in the third one it’s Dinosaur Island. Then in the fourth one he goes to Western times and meets Jonah Hex. And one of my favourite parts of the story is when Green Lantern is carrying Jonah Hex and then after that he basically throws up, and in this bit Bruce Wayne says “maybe give him a minute” and he’s like HEEUUUGGHH HEEEUUUGGGHH

Gordon: Okay, so there’s lots of jokes… 


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Gordon: It’s a very humorous series. It’s six issues… 

Roshni: Daddy

Gordon: Gimme a second… and actually it was first published as twelve separate chapters in a special magazine format in America 

(Roshni has now put her hand up) 

Gordon: and what they’ve done is republished it as six issues. So it’s really fast paced and there’s lot’s of different cliffhangers in it…

Roshni: Daddy

Gordon: What is it Roshni?

Roshni: Can I have some fruit?

Gordon: Uh, yeah, at the end of the review honey, okay? So yeah that is written by Brian Bendis who is a very successful writer

Roshni: Now it’s my turn. This one is my favourite.

Gordon: So what’s it called? Spider-Man and Venom: Double Trouble. And tell us about it, who’s in it?

Roshni: Spider-Man sings his song, and then Venom sings his song, and Venom’s is really creepy…

Gordon: Okay, you don’t need to tell us the whole story Roshni.

Roshni: And my favourite bit of the story is; that picture is my favourite.

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Gordon: You like when they’re swapping brains? So basically it’s a four issue miniseries. So did you like the story Roshni?

Roshni: Uh-huh

Gordon: What was your favourite part of the story?

Roshni: The bit where Spider Girl (Gwen) was watching TV and seeing Venom in Spider-Man’s Body. And I’ll show you my favourite picture in this one. This is my favourite cover, the one where the cat is scratching Spider-Man’s eye and the squirrels are annoying Venom. That’s my favourite kind of cover (holds up issue 3)

And this is also my favourite kind of cover (holds up issue 4)

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Gordon: So you liked those comics; think you’d want to read some more like that?

Roshni: Yup I do.

Gordon: I thought it was a really good comic as well. Shiv, what did you think of Double Trouble?

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Shiv: I really like it, because from the second issue Spider-Man is in Venom’s body. I really like the third issue because Spider-Man turns into a squirrel, and squirrels are really cute, and that’s my favourite bit of the story.

Roshni: That’s my favourite bit of the story as well. 

Gordon: So it was quite funny, it was quite wacky, so you enjoyed it. It was lovely artwork as well, I’ve got to say; it was really impressive. Well thank you for sharing your thoughts on the comics.

Roshni: Can we watch the video now?

[Recording ends]

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