In France and Belgium, comics are referred to as The Ninth Art. It’s a term of reverence and an acknowledgement of the potential of the medium, to deliver not just disposable entertainment, but works of profound beauty and substance. Bandes Dessinee can feel a world away from their American superhero counterparts; but they took a (literal) step closer this year with Step By Bloody Step, from the international team of Si Spurrier, Matius Bergara and Matheus Lopes.

Co-published by Image Comics in America and Dupuis in Europe, the comic is a fantastical quest adventure with a solid mystery at it’s core. Taking place over an undetermined period of time, the plot follows a young girl travelling through a strange land, as she grows from infancy to adolescence without memory of her origins, and accompanied only by a silent armoured giant that unwaveringly protects her from an entire ecosystem of monsters and beasts.

The real strength of the comic lies not in the premise though, but in it’s execution. Writer Spurrier has crafted an entire plot without the need for any dialogue or narration whatsoever, and the storytelling is carried entirely by the artwork of Bergara and Lopes. It’s a more involved audience experience, with the reader having to absorb each sequence carefully, but being rewarded with some visceral action sequences and jaw-dropping landscapes. A good taster is available through the trailer video below:
There’s an amazing depth of character portrayed only through visuals; with themes of coming-of-age and of the ongoing burden of guardianship. The French title is Saison de Sang (Season of Blood) which points towards the brutal natural world that the tale unfolds in. By comparison the English title Step By Bloody Step indicates how the audience are carried throughout the entire journey with the two protagonists, and are totally invested in their fates. The final page carries the signature of all three creators; which is totally apt, as this is a genuine work of art that they can take great pride in.